
Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Can I get a Mohawk

Here is the information for the second sale in Peoria.
10530 W. Mohawk Lane
Peoria, Arizona
Here are the directions:
!07th Avenue North of Beardsley to East on Burnett Road and then the first right onto 106th Lane.  106th Lane curves left into Mohawk Lane.  House is on the left hand side.  Signs will be at 107th Avenue and Beardsley.
We are open Wednesday 5/29 through Friday 6/01
7:30 a.m. until 12:30 p.m.

Let's just jump right in shall we....

The living room is the first thing you will see when you enter so here it is....

Now the kitchen....

Corning ware and pyrex

nice kitchen table and 4 chairs

casserole dishes

food grinder

bake ware


small appliances

roasting pans and a pressure cooker

Ok now the bedrooms, but there are no beds and no clothes or shoes but we do have this awesome stuff....

2 comfy matching chairs

awesome dresser

love these magazine racks

pole light..perfect for any corner.
The garage has some tools....mostly hand tools not so much power tools.

tin snips

 sorry they came out a little blurry.
There are some yard items although they are currently in the garage....

 lawn chairs and that is a sleeping bag in the red.

 how cool is this bird it!
now we have some of the regular stuff...

potted plants

a sweet nativity

 bathroom mish mosh


 vacuum and purses


Now there is an old electric typewriter and even a typewriter table...
I almost forgot this sleeper sofa....

or this collection of art work...

There are some collectibles, but sadly the photos did not all come out, so here is some of what we have to offer...

there are couple of nice lamps...

there is a patio table on the patio I believe, but please do not quote me and here are the chairs...
a spare tv and a refrigerator a whirlpool even...

a card table and chairs for game night....

flower pots


a small set of drawers.
That about does it for photos, but the house has more to offer so come on by on Wednesday and say Hi!
Don't forget to check out the post below for details for one of our other sales this week.


  1. Hi, any idea what the price is on the bird bath?

  2. lol...So, I'm thinking it's 29? thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you.

  3. Do you take cards and cash? Any discount if cash is used?

    1. We take cash and checks for larger purchases only. Sorry no cards at this time. Thanks for asking.
