
Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Crafts, Books, Furniture, and So Much More

This sale is a little farther than normal but it is well worth the drive.
It has a little something for everyone.
But there is a ton of stuff in here.
Let's start with panthers....
This was a true collector of kinds of panthers....
so here we go....

even on black velvet....

Then there is a super cool bar....
just open the doors and the light comes on and let the party begin.....
Then we have a couch and loveseat,,,there is even a matching chair and ottoman.
 I missed the couch some how it like the love seat below, but bigger.
There is a full bed room set....

There is plenty of random furniture as well....

in really good shape.

There are crafts and more we go for a small showing....

there is beads, jewelry making, candle making, green ware, stencils, frames, embroidery, sewing and so much more.  All in excellent shape too.
There are a ton of books and book case....

there are also a lot of cd's to choose from...

there is kitchen stuff.....
there is the couch it has stuff on it.

now cleaning supplies....


a stereo....

lots of puzzles....

Still working on the garage but here is some of what we have....

then there is all the rest of misc....

 pewter collectibles


 Glassware, more collectibles and more

 Women's Clothing

an awesome lamp

office supplies....and....

so the sale is at:

5201 W. Royal Palm Road
Take Olive to 51st and then head West on Royal Palm.
Sale runs Thursday though Saturday
7/18 to 7/20/13
7:30 a.m. until 12:30 p.m.
Worth the drive,,,so see you all on Thursday.

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